Guys (please... Context, "Guys" for my purposes is an ALL inclusive and 100% gender neutral)
(CAVEAT:I am just an average guy, I haven't devoted my time to reading on climate science, and I'm probably not going to, so if you won't talk about this from a preppers perspective then I'll bail on the thread and leave you to it, fair enough?)
Without regard to all the pro/con "literature" out there and political arguments either way, I'm not delving into that argument, it's a complete non starter from either perspective unless you agree with whomever you're talking with, from my exp. any political discourse becomes quickly laden with political land mines to even discuss rationally for most folks, so I try not to engage on that level. Well, other than to ask the single following question:
"Does your concern for man made climate change include "HAARP", "Chemtrails" "nuclear testing" or other direct "manipulation" of our climate? If so, then I'm thinking we have something to discuss, (and quick), given that there is little publicly known "science" (that I'm aware of) on the effects of this type of interference/testing in the natural world. This from what I've seen has had some potential for dramatic and immediate negative impacts on our climate.
An aspect of all this that I hope everyone can agree on is "the earth cycles through periods of hot and cold that is driven principly (not entirely) by solar activity" this being separate from and regardless of any impact by man, does that sound right? If in fact that's true then at various points in history, the "Preppers" of the day have to figure out how to survive it. For the purpose of the forum and this thread specifically, that's where I'm thinking we have room for discussion.
Okay, so when we consider the notion that these directly attributable "mankind provided" activities, likely at some point (when I can't name the date, I say "at some point" to specify the variable/unknown detail) cause significant impact to the daily lives of ordinary people, just like every other issue wherein proper preppers feel the need to "prepare", right?
Whether we are taking climate, politics/war, uncivilized unrest, significant Wx event, religion, accident or aliens, we should find ways to work together and get past the root cause and work out how we as people coexist and propel our species into the future. I'd LOVE to work on that and escape the social politics of it all, what do you guys say? Thoughts?